Key West -- You know that children's book, The Worst Christmas Pageant Ever? Well, we had our worst Thanksgiving ever. Now that's it's over we're laughing - or trying to. Flew to New York to be with Larry, Randy, and Elliot for the holiday weekend. Long story short -- never got to see anyone. Spent a lot of time on the bathroom room floor with the dreaded stomach virus. This is not something you want. Even though it comes on fast and goes away just as fast -- it's definitely not fun.
Can you believe in the midst of it George snapped this pix with his iPhone? I was so sick I didn't even care. Actually, I didn't even know!
Had to be "hydrated" at the doctor's office. Once, when we were "babysitting" Larry's dog, Mookie, she was so depressed by his absence, she refused to eat or drink. We took her to the vet, who "hydrated" her. She came back renewed, as playful and frisky as a puppy. I was hoping I'd feel the same way. Alas, I did not feel playful or frisky.
George caught it from me. (I didn't take a photo of him.) Then I got a sinus/vocal cord infection. Couldn't speak at all. No kidding, could barely produce a grunt. By then I was so run down I couldn't have gone anywhere even with the doc's blessing. She kept me in NY for another week. I never left the apartment except to see her. But I did sit in my window on Thanksgiving morning and caught some of the parade. For a healthier, happier Thanksgiving see my 2007 blog.
There's another story line in this book about a woman who was once a Miss Rheingold. As a little girl I fantasized about being a Miss Rheingold when I grew up. I once told that to George and when I came home the next day I found a sign on the back of my desk chair -- Miss Rheingold 1982. How sweet is that?!
We're back in Key West now. There's no better medicine than the Key West sunshine and warmth. Next week Larry, Randy, and Elliot will arrive and a few days after that, Amanda and Jim. We'll all be together for the holidays. Randy and Elliot promise a do-over Thanksgiving dinner. And that means I'll get to cook with Randy. Always a treat.
Hope your Thanksgiving was joyous and that you got to share it with family and friends.