Yesterday I flew to NY for a haircut. This is embarrassing -- that I'd fly anywhere just to get my hair cut. But it's true. When I called to make an appointment I learned that Robert, my hair cutter, was going to be away the week after Labor Day. That meant he wouldn't be able to cut my hair for my book tour. And let's just say I needed it -- badly. I'd starting wearing a baseball hat everywhere. Hat hair was looking better than unhatted hair. Robert has a tiny neighborhood salon on the Upper West Side. He's been cutting my hair for 13 years (ever since I read an article Susan Orlean wrote about him in the New Yorker). I trust him. So off we went for a day in the city. Did I mention that Robert also cuts George's hair? It was freezing in the city yesterday. I expected hot and humid because that's what it's supposed to be in August. But it was colder there than on the Vineyard. I bought a big, warm black sweater with great buttons then decided to save it for the book tour and shivered through the rest of the day in my jean jacket.
On the plane coming back (delayed 2 hours) there was a little boy, maybe five, in the opposite row ahead of me. His mother set him up with her computer so he could watch a movie. High School Musical (Two?) I missed it on TV last week so this was my chance (I confess, I've never seen HSM One either). Of course I had no sound and the little boy kept going back to his fav basketball numbers, but at least I got an idea of what all the buzz is about.Randy and Elliot will be here tomorrow, with Keith, their cat. He's a sweetie. He's the best guest anyone could ask for -- except when it's time to leave he's been known to hide. (Most of our human guests leave on schedule.) But we know Keith's favorite hiding places. At least we think we do!
And Larry's college buddy is coming with his wife and two year old. Since he's also the designer of my new website I'm sure we'll be spending time on the nuts and bolts. Maybe then I'll have a better idea of the actual launch date. Should be a fun weekend! Never mind deadlines, right?
XX Judy
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Hair Cuts and Hair Balls
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2:59 PM