Key West -- The highlight of the week was a 5 day visit from Larry and Elliot. Elliot had a 2 week spring break. This was good news for him, but I can't help thinking, what are working parents supposed to do? Randy is lucky. She was able to take a week off and go skiing with Elliot (he's a snowboarder, she's a skier). Then she went back to work, Elliot flew to Key West, and Larry came down to hang out with him. I love watching the two of them together. It must be great to grow up with a fun uncle. I got smart this time and kept my mouth shut (no reminders about sunscreen, or annoying questions about anything). But when Elliot ordered squid ink pasta with clams, mussels, and shrimp, I had to hold my tongue. (I'm allergic to shellfish and get uncomfortable when he insists on eating it, afraid that maybe he'll be allergic, too.) But nothing bad happened, not even from the sushi -- yes, sushi! Looking the other way wasn't as hard as I'd thought and it made for a relaxing, fun time for all of us. Here are three generations of my guys: (from left) Larry, Elliot, and George.
I left some books in Elliot's room. I find the only way to get a teenager to read a book you think he should read, or even a book you think he'd like, is to leave a pile of books around and let him decide. He picked up Daria Snadowsky's Anatomy of a Boyfriend and read it in an afternoon. It's not unlike Forever. At the bookstore we bought a couple of Nick Hornby books -- seems to me a 16 year old would really enjoy his writing. But Elliot chose a completely different book to read on the plane going home. Hey, reading anything is a positive step! Now I'll get to read the Nick Hornby books before sending them on to him.
The highlight of the week before -- a visit from Michael Casey -- his first trip to Key West. Michael's been highlighting my hair since -- well, since I first got highlights about 27 years ago. My hair hasn't yet turned gray. Strange, I know. It just keeps getting darker. Michael says it's genetic. He's the best, not just at being a hair colorist, but being a friend. He lives in NY and knows everything about the theater. So, when we come to town I ask him what plays we absolutely can't miss. While he was here he also highlighted my hair. Wow -- this was a first for me -- a home visit. Thanks, Michael!
Please don't ask how I'm doing with my book that's due in April, Friend or Fiend. Let's just say we have no more visitors scheduled for this season and tomorrow -- yes, tomorrow! -- I'm going to settle down, focus, and not allow anything to distract me from my writing. Except maybe politics. Speaking of -- am thrilled that Bill Richardson endorsed Obama. And what a brilliant speech Obama delivered this week on race. I watched/listened twice. I know exactly what Bill Richardson means when he says, "There's something so special about this guy..." Now, can we please leave religion out of this campaign and get to what really matters?
More soon.....
xx Judy
Saturday, March 22, 2008
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11:18 AM