Seattle -- All over town there are Pigs on Parade. Each pig is decorated by a different artist and all are for sale -- to benefit a good cause, I'm sure. This one is my favorite.
Did a couple of phone interviews this morning. One from a reporter who called back five minutes after the interview to say she realized she'd pushed the wrong button on her tape recorder and didn't get any of what I said. She confessed this was her first interview and asked if I would please do the interview again. At that moment I remembered another, lengthy phone interview many years ago, and how I just couldn't do it again. This time, the young reporter sounded so distraught we did a second, abbreviated interview. I'll bet she'll hit the right button from now on.
The other interview was with a reporter from a Dallas paper, focusing on the 35th Anniversary of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. 35 years! The Dallas Children's Theater is doing a production of Tales... which reminded me that that play originated here in Seattle at the Seattle Children's Theater in 1986 -- and that I happened to be here on a book tour on opening night. That was a real thrill! The play has made the rounds of children's theaters around the country ever since. When Elliot was about seven I took him to see a production at the Kennedy Center in DC -- in which Fudge was played by a 400 pound man (talk about non-traditional casting!).
Seattle Children's Theater is opening a play this Friday night based on High School Musical. Is Disney taking over the world, or what?
To those of you who observe Rosh Hashannah, L'shana tova.
XX Judy
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Soupy Tour -- Pigs on Parade
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5:19 PM