Key West -- We are this close to launching the new website! This is how the Blog will look. We've been asked to wait another week before putting up the rest of the site, until the whole team has a chance to give their approval. I've been proofing pages like mad, while I should have been revising Going, Going, Gone! the third book in the Pain & the Great One series. Now I'll be working all weekend to get the changes back to my editor next week. But no complaints. I'm in Key West. The weather is beautiful, and the garden is lush and green.
In case anyone is interested, here's how I've been spending my time away from my desk:
1. Flushing out my nostrils with saline solution -- sinus problem caused by the flight down.
I could be a poster girl for this product, I've gone through so many cans since discovering it.
2. Physical therapy - twice a week for my shoulder, injured last May. My sweet PT assures me I'm making great progress, as I lay on her table writhing in pain.
3. Weight training at the gym twice a week with Bill Yankee, "Gym Teacher to the Stars." That's what we call him because back in Cleveland he was a gym teacher (also taught science -- and nobody is more fascinated by reptiles than Bill).
4. Interview with Stella Magazine, a Sunday supplement of the Telegraph, a UK newspaper.
Enjoyed the reporter and photographer so much we all went to lunch together. Wish there had been time to give them a guided tour of Key West but they were both flying back to NY.
6. Book signing at Voltaire, Key West's new indie bookshop. We all love having Voltaire in town.
Sorry to hear about the brutal weather around the country. I could feel guilty for being here -- but then I remind myself of what happened to this town two years ago when it was struck by four hurricanes in a row. So it's okay that's it's beautiful now and that I'm enjoying it, right?
More soon.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Coming Soon!
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5:16 PM